Fortificaţiile Asăneştilor de pe limesul median al Dunării de Jos. Conexiuni istorice cu spaţiul românesc riveran
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Limba de redactare | română (rezumat în engleză) |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | The Bulgarian fortresses on the middle course of the Lower Danube, from upstream to downstream, were during the Middle Ages important centres for the surveillance of the river and for the control and protection of border roads. In case of emergencies, they received military help from the inland regions of the Tsardom. There existed connections between the Bulgarian fortresses and those on the left bank of the Danube, especially during the First Bulgarian Empire, but also during the second one, although archaeological discoveries do not always confirm written sources. The silence of the sources is a problem of the classical Middle Ages, particularly in the case of the Lower Danube area. The few historical evidences, interpreted objectively, lead to conclusions which not seldom contradict national historiographic interests. Both Bulgarians and Romanians witnessed a cohabitation dictated by common interests, generated by a specific historical context, and the empire of the Asen Dynasty, which intended to substitute the Byzantine one, had a certain influence over the territory north of the Danube, that is noticeable in what concerns the liturgical language and that used in the chancelleries of the two Romanian principalities, the use of the particle “Io”, which preceded the titles of Romanian rulers and which comes directly from tsar Ioan Asen II, and, not lastly, the use of some fortresses on the left bank of the Danube as outposts for the strong fortresses on the other bank. |
Paginaţia | 5-26 |
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