Balurile de la palat în timpul domniei lui Carol I / Palace balls during the reign of Charles I
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Language | română |
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Abstract | In this article we tried to analyze the atmosphere in which the balls took place at the Royal Court during the reing of Charles I. The first ball organized by prince Charles I took place in 1867, with 800 guests attending the event. Then, during the reing of King Charles, two balls were to be held each year; the grand ball taking place of the evening of December 31, and the second ball in February. Thought both events well very well organized, the guests spending time in an elegant and refined setting, it is found that the first ball of the year was more democratic, with a large member of guests taking part in the event. Instead, the second ball was smaller, with guests always including members of the government, members of the diplomatic corps, the most important dignitaries and officers. Althought people from the different social conditions were invited, the king Charles wanted the etiquette and the protocol to be strictly observed, each guest knowing from the reception of the invitation in which salon he will spend the evening and implicitly with whom he will socialize. Thought the balls were organized in the smallest detail, sometimes there were incidents. The palace ball were a opportunity from king Charles to cultivate feelings such as honor and generosity. Through balls, the royal family came into contact with the Romanian and European elites of the time, these events having the character of the official and popular celebrations. In addition to being a way of socializing and entertaining, the bals organized at the palace also had a pragmatic purpose stimulating trade. |
Pages | 33-50 |
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