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Despre înfiinţarea şi evoluţia Muzeului Asociaţiunii Astra din Sibiu (1905-1950) / On the establishment and evolution of the Museum of the Astra Association in Sibiu (1905-1950)

Language română
Key Words
Abstract The article presents the timeline of the foundation in Sibiu of a history and ethnography museum, an idea launched by Ioan Puşcariu in 1860 and later borrowed by most of the marking members of the Association. At the beginning of the 20th century, a building was erected and the Association’s Museum in Sibiu was inaugurated on the 6th/19th august 1905, with many scholars from Romania attending, Nicolae Iorga among them. The museum enriched its collection annually and during the interwar period it became one of the most appreciated and visited museums in the country. Moreover, it became a model in what concerns the organization of such cultural-national institutions.
Pages 91-102
Title of the Volume
  • Muzeul Naţional; nr. în TOM: XXII; anul 2020; subtitlu: Muzeul Naţional
    • Muzeul Naţional; nr. în TOM: XXII; anul 2020; subtitlu: Muzeul Naţional
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