Generalul Iacob Zadik – un erou armean al Marelui Război şi al României Mari / General Iacob Zadik – an Armenian hero of the Great War and of Greater Romania
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Language | română |
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Abstract | Armenians had an important contribution to the Great Union of Romania during the World War I. Dozens of Armenian soldiers from Romania died on duty in the line of fire for the sake of Greater Romania. They chose to fight for their new Motherland, Romania, a country which ever since the Middle Ages had offered them a shelter in harsh times. Many Armenians from the Romanian Army, like Lieutenant Gabriel Pruncu or Lieutenant Ioan Missir, were real heroes in battle. But the most important of them was General Iacob Zadik – the liberator, the peacemaker and the Governor of Bucovina (1918). |
Pages | 139-144 |
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