O artă marginală în grafica românească: machete de mărci poştale din patrimoniul Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a României / An understudied subject in Romanian graphic art: postage stamp mock-ups in the National Museum of Romanian History's collection
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Language | română |
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Abstract | The historiography of the 20th century Romanian art is focused mainly on the Old Masters, followed by other grand names. Along with renowned paintings and sculptures, their oeuvre includes graphic artwork as well. Consisting of sketches, drawings, pastels, watercolours, and often overlooked and considered an initial step in the execution of a painting, graphic art remains, nonetheless, a substantial genre which is no less meritorious in a purposeful investigation. Seeking to expand on previous research, the centrepiece of the present study concerns a critical analysis of the visual discourse which can be found in a specific, rather peripheral type of graphic art: postage stamps mock-ups belonging to the National Philatelic Museum hosted by the National History Museum of Romania. Simultaneously, we are particularly interested in investigating the historical context of the creation of such artworks, as it is shaped by certain social and political movements and, consequently, as reflected in the visual imagery in art. |
Pages | 303-330 |
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