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Restaurarea unei spade sarmate aflate în patrimoniul Muzeului Naţional de Istorie a României / The restoration of a Sarmatian sword from the collection of the National History Museum of Romania

Language română
Key Words
Abstract This article describes the restoration process of a Sarmatian sword, the only one so far to be owned by a Romanian museum, which entered the collection of the National History Museum of Romania in 2013. The artefact in question presents similarities to a Sarmatian sword discovered in the Ural region.
Pages 353-363
Title of the Volume
  • Muzeul Naţional; nr. în TOM: XXII; anul 2020; subtitlu: Muzeul Naţional
    • Muzeul Naţional; nr. în TOM: XXII; anul 2020; subtitlu: Muzeul Naţional
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