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Un interviu acordat de primul ministru Petru Groza ziarului "Christian Science Monitor" la 7 februarie 1946 / An interview given by Prime Minister Petru Groza to the "Christian Science Monitor" on the 7th of February 1946

Language română
Key Words
Abstract Wanting to give the impression that he is the one who rules the country and not the Soviet councillors present in all structures of the State, Petru Groza considered it necessary to create himself a good image for the Occident, by giving interviews to prestigious foreign publications. Thus, on the 7th of February 1946, prime minister Petru Groza gave a long interview to the American journalist Rouben H. Markham, correspondent of the "Christian Science Monitor", in which he spoke (from the communist leaders' point of view) about Romania's evolution after the 6th of March 1945: the electrification of the country, the nationalization of the mines and of the principal means of production, the parliamentary elections, the religious rights, the freedom of press, the historical parties, etc.
Pages 335-341
Title of the Volume
Publishing House Publicat de: Cetatea de Scaun