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Marcu, fiul principelui Petru Cercel (1583 – 1585) cahle medievale descoperite la Cerbureni, jud. Argeş, şi la Târgovişte, jud. Dâmboviţa (Curtea Domnească şi zona Bisericii Stelea) / Marcu, prince Petru Cercel’ son (1583 – 1585) medieval stove

Language română
Key Words
Abstract The study presents four original stove-tiles. One of them was discovered in a former pottery workshop at Cerbureni, Argeş County, while the other three were found during the archaeological diggings performed at Târgovişte. The four of them are decorated with the same child’s portrait. The character is depicted in profile. He is wearing a helmet and a large ruff-collerette. The stylistic analysis of the ceramic stove-tiles points up a period during Petru Cercel's reign (1583-1585). The decoration might portray Marcu’s face as a child, Marcu being the Wallachian Prince’s elder son.
Pages 47-66
Title of the Volume