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Scurte consideraţii asupra începuturilor organizării bisericii din Scythia Minor. Primii episcopi / Brief considerations on the beginnings of the organization of the church in Schytia Minor. The first bishops

Language română
Key Words
Abstract The beginnings of the Christian Church of Scythia Minor organization are dating from the end of the 3th century and from the beginning of the 4th century, from the era of Diocletian’s persecutions (284-305). From the same era of the martyr papers that we have, testify the first hierarchs of the Church of Scythia Minor. The first bishop testified was Ephraimius who was the priest of the Church of the province situated between the Danube the Black Sea between an unspecified date during 20th November 300 and 19 November and most likely 7 March 304. Ephraimius was followed at the lead of the Church of Scythia Minor by Evangelicus. Thus he becomes the second hierarch that was priest at the Church of Scythia Minor. His functioning can be dated from a posterior date of 7 March 304 and until an unknown date, posterior to August same year (Theodora Mărculeţ).
Pages 29-36
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