Relaţiile anglo-române în perioada crizei economice
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Language | română |
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Abstract | The Anglo-Romanian relations during the interwar period were marked by England's desire to obtain new oil fields from the Romanian state. Affected by the economic crisis and wanting to get loans to help it overcome the difficult financial situation, the Romanian government modified in 1929 the Mining Law and England played an important role. The Great Powers, including Great Britain, wished to obtain more petroleum land in Romania, and the modification of the Mining Law allowed this. England and Romania tried to overcome the economic crisis differently. Romania tried to get more loans in order to be able to recover economically, and the help came from France, not England. England was preoccupied with its own economic recovery. In order to recover economically, it renounced the gold standard and set a preferential tariff regime with its dominions. |
Pages | 213-219 |
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Publishing Place | Bucureşti |