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Comunitatea armeană şi România anului 1942 în paginile revistei „Ararat”

Language română
Key Words
Abstract In 1924, Vartan Mestugean, a journalist from Bucharest, began the work of laying the foundation for the periodical named traditionally “Ararat”. For 18 years, “Ararat” was published with a perfect punctuality, until the death of Mestugean in 1942, and reappeared in 1990 as a bimonthly publication of the Armenian Union in Romania, currently available also in an online format . The present article is a summary of the events that happened in Romania in 1942 and the situation of the Armenians within Romania's borders, as seen through the eyes of the Armenian community and written within the pages of the magazine.
Pages 251-256
Title of the Volume
Publishing Place Bucureşti