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Restaurarea unui vas bitronconic cu proeminenţe, situl arheologic Tărtăria – Podu Tărtăriei vest, judeţul Alba

Language română
Key Words
Abstract The ceramic patrimony of the National History Museum of Romania is very varied and rich, covering different epochs and cultures. However, until five years ago, ceramic objects belonging to the middle period of the first Iron Age were not found in large numbers in the collections of the museum. The importance of restoration of such a vessel, but especially the uniqueness given by the archaeological context of its deposition and conservation status, becomes a major priority for its preservation and preservation under appropriate conditions. The vessel presented is one of the many vessels discovered on the Tărtăria - Podu Tărtăriei West, Alba County archaeological site, which required restoration interventions. The wet and mechanical cleaning, the bonding, the consolidation and the chromatic integration are specific ceramic restoration operations, the operations applied also to the protruding bitronconic vessel, the Tărtăria - Podu Tărtăriei West, the Alba County archaeological site.
Pages 310-315
Title of the Volume
Publishing Place Bucureşti