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Note de front din Marele Război ale locotenentului Marin Gherghină 14/27 august 1916- 17/30 iunie 1917

Language română
Key Words
Abstract The war notes of Lieutenant Marin Gherghină, one of the heroes of the Great War, are an important document from 100 hundred years ago, which has been preserved until today. Marin Gherghină narrates, with a real talent, his itinerary on the front during the interminable marches he executed, and at the same time he writes to a possible reader about the victories and the defeats suffered in the first line of battle, about the cold, the hunger, the fear, the courage, the patriotism, the faith in God and in the good of the country. The publishing of these notes represents the recuperation of the history of a Romanian First World War hero.
Pages 105-154
Title of the Volume
Publishing Place Bucureşti