Zile de vară fierbinte acum şaizeci şi doi de ani. Spicuiri din presă / Hot summer days, 62 years ago
Autori |
Limba de redactare | română |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | This small article tries to reproduce the atmosphere of those terrible days t h that followed the ultimatum from 26 of June 1940, 22 hours, delivered to Romanian ambassador at Moskow. The evacuation of administration, of army and a part of people from r d Basarabia and Bucovina had to be done in short time, until 3 of July 1940, at noon. The quotations from that time newspapers, for example from Nicolae Iorga's "Neamul Românesc" (Romanian people) reproduced the pain and excitement of those days, but also we can notice Romanian State capacity to organise itself in such a chaos situation. The fact that there existed receiving and selection centres for refugees, placed all over the country, the concern of maintaining minimum food and hygiene conditions are relevant for that war period. In the same time we can notice that other institutes and ministeries (e.g. Work Minister) were exemplary mobilized. The article underlines the help given by Romanian Church, Red Cross, civil societies. The employers of Romanian Railways (C.F.R.) gave proof of heroism both in transport period, but also they had a high civic sense, making important donations at I . Macovei's call, general manager of C.F.R. In this article it appear patriarch Nicodim's figure who mobilized the Church. The refugees had been accommodated in priests' hostels, priests' schools and monasteries, and the parishs were obliged to give material support. The general conclusion is that in those distress days, the human solidarity was powerful and this fact is an example for our contemporaries. |
Paginaţia | 320-324 |
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