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Lupta pentru putere în cadrul P.M.R. - 1952 / The fight for power in the Romanian Working Party - 1952

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt The definitive induction of the communist regime and reforms accomplished in the purpose of transforming Romania into a perfect copy of the U .S.S.R., were followe d by a fight for power between the political leaders in Bucharest, masked by the ideological language. This situation was not a new one, and Lucreţiu Pătrăşcanu murdered in 1945 was one of the victims of this conflict. The competition between Gheorghe Gh. Dej and Ana Pauker began in 1945 and the winner was Gh. Dej, voted as general secretary on 22nd of October 1945. Even after the elections, Dej’s authority was diminished by personalities like Ana Pauker, Vasile Luca and Teohari Georgescu, because their activity and prestige were considerably higher compeering with Gh. Dej. The relations evolution between the leaders of the Romanian Working Party can be easily noticed during the Political Bureau debates. An almost perfect type of unity between the leaders of the Political Bureau members can be observed during 1945- 1952. Beginning with the year 1952, can be noticed attacks to the group Ana Pauker, Vasile Luca, Teohari Georgescu. The unity and the cohesion of the communist leaders represented just deceptiveness, due only to the fact that booth Gheorghiu-Dej and the Pauker-Luca-Teohari group realized the need of coordinating their common efforts in the purpose of implementing the communist regime in Romania as fast as possible. The accomplishment of their common goal leaded to the exposure of the old rivalry. In that time the group Pauker-Luca-Teohari represented the principal’s actors in the Romanian Working Party. Vasile Luca was the Minister of Fin ances, Ana Pa uker was Minister of External Affairs and Teohari Georgescu was the Minister of Internal Affairs. The so called reason for the investigation of the group was the failure of the financial reform from the beginning of the year 1952. One of the practices of the communist system was to transpose all the economical and political failures on the fault of uncomfortable members of the communist party. As it follows, in that meeting of the Political Bureau Ana Pauker, Vasile Luca and Teohari Georgescu were accused of grave errors in their economical and political activity (the so called “diversion of the right”) and of an inadequate behavior in their position of as party’s members. Most of the accusations were made by Miron Constantinescu, Alexandru Moghioroş, Chivu Stoica and Gheorghe Apostol. Nevertheless, the real director of the dethronement of the M oscow group was Gheorghiu-Dej. He was the initiator of the accusation tirade that was amplified by the other members of the Political Bureau. This was his manner of insuring him self that he had no political competition. This is one phenomenon often meet in the totalitarians regimes, a clear image of the system that decimates its own undesirable members.
Paginaţia 323-330
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XIX; anul 2007