Relaţiile dintre armata imperială rusă şi agricultorii din Vlaşca în timpul războiului de independenţă / The relations between the Russian Imperial army and the farmers of Vlaşca during the Independence War /
Autori |
Limba de redactare | română |
Descriptori |
Excerpt | The paper presented at this session has found its contents in the documents of the Central National Archives, out of which, for easily understandable reasons, only a part could be used. The Romanian-Russian relations as established by the Bucharest convention of April 1877, had torely on mutual aid, respect and civilized attitude. In reality, "the idyll " between the Romanian population and the Russian Imperial army ended soon. The inheritance acquired in the wildness of the steppes was felt in the "liberating" troops' behavior. The palette of the delinquency revealed by the documents is large, beginning with little robberies, continuing with bigger plundering, brutality committed against the population and ending with the aggression of the local authorities. The Russian army has rather behaved like an occupation army than like an allied one, idea which applies to the whole territory of this country, the Vlasca district being not an exception. |
Paginaţia | 53-57 |
Descarcă fişierul | |
Titlul volumului de apariție |