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Bucureştii în vara anului 1944. Pagini de jurnal / Summer of 1944 in Bucharest. A diary

Limba de redactare română
Excerpt Significant testimonies concerning life behind the battlefield in 1944 summer, showed up over the years, in many memories and diaries published by people who took part at these events as eye witnesses. Writers like Marin Preda, Mihail Sebastian, Cella Serghi, or professor Ioan Hudiţă, are just a few names among many other who recalled in their works the days of 1944 in Bucharest. An unpublished source, acquired by the Romanian National Museum of
History, is the hand-written diary which belonged to Mimy Paleologu, wife of Mişu Paleologu, lawyer and politician. It is a very good and rich in information source about war events and daily life in Bucharest of 1944 summer.
Paginaţia 149-154
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Titlul volumului de apariție
  • Muzeul Naţional; XXII; anul 2010